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Resources For Educators

Struggles for Justice: Segregation & Housing in the United States. UC Berkeley Historical Social Science Project. A lesson plan charting the history of housing injustice in the United States.

REPARATIONS SYLLABUS. University of Minnesota Libraries. An offshoot of the “Reparations, Repatriation, and Redress” symposium at the University of Minnesota, this curriculum presents an archive of scholarly and popular sources on themes related to reparations.

Racial Housing Covenants in the Twin Cities. MNopdedia. An overview of the history of racial covenants in the Twin Cities.


Kate Derickson. Urban Geography. 2019. "The annihilation of time by space."

Aradhya Sood, William Speagle & Kevin Ehrman-Solberg. SSRN. 2019. "Long Shadow of Racial Discrimination: Evidence from Housing Covenants of Minneapolis."

Kirsten Delegard & Michael J Lansing. Middle West Review. 2018. "Prince and the Making of the Minneapolis Mystique."

Kirsten Delegard & Kevin Ehrman-Solberg. Open Rivers. 2017. "'Playground of the People'? Mapping Racial Covenants in Twentieth-Century Minneapolis."