
We welcome feedback, comments, and suggestions. To request a speaking engagement, please click here.


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Upcoming Events

No upcoming events scheduled

Mapping Prejudice has suspended transcription events until the fall. Our team is taking time to grieve and re-group after the death of our colleague and friend, Kevin Ehrman-Solberg. Kevin was one of the co-founders of Mapping Prejudice and served as our digital and geospatial director. He was also a graduate student in the University of Minnesota’s geography department. We are working on re-organizing our team and our workflows so that we can continue this important work. Please be aware that our responses to your inquiries may be slow.

Past Events

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for South Essex, Massachusetts



7:00p.m. - 8:30p.m. Central
(8:00p.m. - 9:30p.m Eastern)

Mapping Prejudice's weekly transcription sessions have transitioned to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

This week, we are featuring the work of our collaborators in South Essex, Massachusetts. We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for South Essex, Massachusetts



1:00p.m. - 2:30p.m. Central
(2:00p.m. - 3:30p.m Eastern)

Mapping Prejudice's weekly transcription sessions have transitioned to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

This week, we are featuring the work of our collaborators in South Essex, Massachusetts. We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Community Reflection Event: Ramsey County



12:00p.m. - 1:0p.m. Central

We are thrilled to announce that our volunteers finished reading through the property records for Ramsey County. We have been humbled by the overwhelming response to our call for help transcribing Ramsey County deeds. Now that that work is finished, we are moving toward making maps and meaning out of the data we all collected together.

We invite you to participate in the next phase too. As we ramp up our data processing and mapping efforts, we are hosting community processing sessions. These sessions will be a chance to reflect on what we collectively learned transcribing Ramsey. We will reveal our preliminary covenant map and historical research by our “Welcoming the Dear Neighbor?” partners! The sessions will also include time for Q&A and community conversation.

If you transcribed deeds for Ramsey County, or if you live in Ramsey County, or if you simply have an interest in this work, we invite you to join one of these sessions to hear what we have learned so far and contribute to the conversation.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for South Essex, Massachusetts



1:00p.m. - 2:30p.m. Central
(2:00p.m. - 3:30p.m Eastern)

Mapping Prejudice's weekly transcription sessions have transitioned to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

This week, we are featuring the work of our collaborators in South Essex, Massachusetts. We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Community Reflection Event: Ramsey County



12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m. Central

We are thrilled to announce that our volunteers finished reading through the property records for Ramsey County. We have been humbled by the overwhelming response to our call for help transcribing Ramsey County deeds. Now that that work is finished, we are moving toward making maps and meaning out of the data we all collected together.

We invite you to participate in the next phase too. As we ramp up our data processing and mapping efforts, we are hosting community processing sessions. These sessions will be a chance to reflect on what we collectively learned transcribing Ramsey. We will reveal our preliminary covenant map and historical research by our “Welcoming the Dear Neighbor?” partners! The sessions will also include time for Q&A and community conversation.

If you transcribed deeds for Ramsey County, or if you live in Ramsey County, or if you simply have an interest in this work, we invite you to join one of these sessions to hear what we have learned so far and contribute to the conversation.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Washington DC



1:00p.m. - 2:30p.m. Central
(2:00p.m. - 3:30p.m Eastern)

As our transcription work in Ramsey County nears completion, we are excited to begin incorporating partners in geographies across the country. So far, our work sessions have been a space focused on the Twin Cities, but starting this week, we will transition to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

The first out-of-state project that we are partnering with is Prologue DC who have been working tirelessly to map covenants in the US capital for years. Public historians, Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld, will join us for this week’s work session to explain their work in DC. Then we will spend the hour transcribing Washington DC deeds.

We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Community Reflection Event: Ramsey County



12:00p.m. - 1:00p.m. Central

We are thrilled to announce that our volunteers finished reading through the property records for Ramsey County. We have been humbled by the overwhelming response to our call for help transcribing Ramsey County deeds. Now that that work is finished, we are moving toward making maps and meaning out of the data we all collected together.

We invite you to participate in the next phase too. As we ramp up our data processing and mapping efforts, we are hosting community processing sessions. These sessions will be a chance to reflect on what we collectively learned transcribing Ramsey. We will reveal our preliminary covenant map and historical research by our “Welcoming the Dear Neighbor?” partners! The sessions will also include time for Q&A and community conversation.

If you transcribed deeds for Ramsey County, or if you live in Ramsey County, or if you simply have an interest in this work, we invite you to join one of these sessions to hear what we have learned so far and contribute to the conversation.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Washington DC



7:00p.m. - 8:30p.m. Central
(8:00p.m. - 9:30p.m Eastern)

As our transcription work in Ramsey County nears completion, we are excited to begin incorporating partners in geographies across the country. So far, our work sessions have been a space focused on the Twin Cities, but starting this week, we will transition to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

The first out-of-state project that we are partnering with is Prologue DC who have been working tirelessly to map covenants in the US capital for years. Public historians, Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld, will join us for this week’s work session to explain their work in DC. Then we will spend the hour transcribing Washington DC deeds.

We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Washington DC



1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Central
(2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m Eastern)

As our transcription work in Ramsey County nears completion, we are excited to begin incorporating partners in geographies across the country. So far, our work sessions have been a space focused on the Twin Cities, but starting this week, we will transition to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

The first out-of-state project that we are partnering with is Prologue DC who have been working tirelessly to map covenants in the US capital for years. Public historians, Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld, will join us for this week’s work session to explain their work in DC. Then we will spend the hour transcribing Washington DC deeds.

We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Washington DC



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. Central
(8:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. Eastern)

As our transcription work in Ramsey County nears completion, we are excited to begin incorporating partners in geographies across the country. So far, our work sessions have been a space focused on the Twin Cities, but starting this week, we will transition to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

The first out-of-state project that we are partnering with is Prologue DC who have been working tirelessly to map covenants in the US capital for years. Public historians, Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld, will join us for this week’s work session to explain their work in DC. Then we will spend the hour transcribing Washington DC deeds.

We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Washington DC



1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m. Central
(2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m Eastern)

As our transcription work in Ramsey County nears completion, we are excited to begin incorporating partners in geographies across the country. So far, our work sessions have been a space focused on the Twin Cities, but starting this week, we will transition to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

The first out-of-state project that we are partnering with is Prologue DC who have been working tirelessly to map covenants in the US capital for years. Public historians, Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld, will join us for this week’s work session to explain their work in DC. Then we will spend the hour transcribing Washington DC deeds.

We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Washington DC



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m. Central
(8:00p.m. - 9:00p.m. Eastern)

As our transcription work in Ramsey County nears completion, we are excited to begin incorporating partners in geographies across the country. So far, our work sessions have been a space focused on the Twin Cities, but starting this week, we will transition to a national focus! Communities across the country are investigating the ways that racial covenants shaped their particular geographies. Mapping Prejudice is thrilled to partner with these communities to help them transcribe and map covenants. Over the last four years, thousands of volunteers have made it possible to map covenants at an unprecedented scale. Now, we are excited to host deeds from other communities around the country. And we hope our amazing volunteers will help us continue the work of challenging structural racism.

The first out-of-state project that we are partnering with is Prologue DC who have been working tirelessly to map covenants in the US capital for years. Public historians, Mara Cherkasky and Sarah Shoenfeld, will join us for this week’s work session to explain their work in DC. Then we will spend the hour transcribing Washington DC deeds.

We are excited to embark on this new phase of our project, and we hope that you will join us.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

More Details

Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Living Room Learning with Kirsten Delegard




A Reckoning with Race: The Mapping Prejudice Project

The Mapping Prejudice Project is mapping racial covenants in the Twin Cities. Racial covenants are clauses--a couple of lines of text--that were embedded into property deeds to bar people who were not white from buying or even occupying the parcels of land to which they were attached.

The project just finished the map of Hennepin County and has turned its attention to Ramsey County.

Covenants were made illegal by the 1968 Fair Housing Act. But their legacy continues today in the Twin Cities, which has some of the largest racial disparities in the country. The Mapping Prejudice Project is designed to reveal the “racism behind these racial disparities,” in the words of Ibram Kendi. It illuminates how structural racism shaped the urban landscape, blocking African Americans from critical avenues for housing stability and wealth accumulation.

Delegard will narrate this history and describe the innovative methodologies used in this work. Together we will explore the question of next steps to address the damage wrought by these policies.

Living Room Learning is a webinar series produced by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas. All JCRC webinars are free and open to the public.

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Ramsey Co. Library "Tuesday with a Scholar" - Virtual work session: map racial covenants in Ramsey County



1:00p.m. - 2:00p.m.

This event is co-hosted by the Ramsey County Library. It is part two of their "Tuesday with a Scholar" series featuring Mapping Prejudice.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Do Good Roseville - Virtual work session: map racial covenants in Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

This event is co-hosted by Do Good Roseville.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



3:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice: Online Transcription Session for Ramsey County



7:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

To build community awareness about housing injustice, Mapping Prejudice and St. Catherine University are mobilizing volunteers to document racial covenants in Ramsey County. Racial covenants were legal clauses embedded in property deeds that barred people who were not white from buying or occupying land. Elders have known for decades that covenants were widespread. But even with that community wisdom, there is a lot that we don’t know. How common were these restrictions? What areas of our community were reserved for white people only? How much land was restricted in this way? When were they put into place? What did they say? What are the legacies of these practices today?

Help us make a map that can answer these questions. As we do this research together, we will explore the connections between past injustices and present disparities. This is the first step towards meaningful change.

This online training session will teach you what you need to know to contribute to this project.

Two online videos can be helpful as you get ready to do this work. "Jim Crow of the North" will explain the history behind this map. And this Mapping Prejudice training video will show you what we need volunteers to do

Online Zoom Meeting

You must register at the link below to receive the Zoom meeting link!

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Watch Party & Twitter Convo: PBS's Jim Crow of the North



3:00p.m. central
(4:00p.m. eastern)

Join us online — on YouTube and Twitter — on Thursday, April 16, 2020, beginning at 4 pm, for a screening and discussion of the PBS documentary film, Jim Crow of the North. The film explores the origins of housing segregation in the Minneapolis area and illustrates how African-American families and leaders resisted the practice and built community — within and despite — the red lines that these restrictive covenants created.

The virtual #docuhistory series aims to create an informal space where teachers, students, and historians can join together to watch a documentary and discuss teaching and learning about the film's subject matter. We will all start the movie at the same time, at 4 pm Eastern Standard Time. While viewing the film, please tweet using the #docuhistory hashtag or @ moderators Yohuru Williams @yohuruwilliams and Sari Beth Rosenberg @saribethrose. Feel free to ask questions, make comments and suggestions, and develop discussion threads.

This event series is organized by Joe Schmidt, New York City Department of Education, @HSGlobalHistory, in collaboration with the Forum for Scholars and Publics.

Twitter & Youtube

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**CANCELLED** Gloria Dei Church Adult Forum: Mapping Prejudice




According to USA today, Minneopolis is ranked one of the worst places to live for African Americans. Why is the reality of black Minneapolitans' lived experience such a far cry from the city's progressive reputation? Join Mapping Prejudice co-founder, Kirsten Delegard, for a discussion on how racial covenants baked structural racism into our economic, social, and physical landscape.

Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
700 Snelling Ave S
St Paul, MN 55116

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Century College Speaker Series Presents: Mapping Prejudice



11:00a.m. - 12:30p.m.

Kirsten Delegard and Kevin Ehrman-Solberg of the Mapping Prejudice Project are our guest speakers. The Mapping Prejudice Project is creating an interactive digital map showing how racially restrictive housing covenants denied housing to minorities in neighborhoods throughout the Twin Cities.
Join us to learn more about this important project, and the research being done to expand mapping into Ramsey County.

Century College
East Lincoln Mall

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Showing and Discussion of TPT's "Jim Crow of the North"



7:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

Join us for a screening of "Jim Crow of the North" (56 minutes) and a short discussion.

Jim Crow of the North is a documentary that charts the progression of racist policies and practices from the start of restrictive agreements after the turn of the last century to their final elimination in the late 1960s.

When we learn about our shared histories, including racist practices, we deepen our knowledge about how the decisions of earlier generations created the communities we live in today.

Progressive Baptist Church
1505 Burns Ave
St Paul, MN 55106

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Urban Currents: Mapping Prejudeice: The History of Housing and Segregation in Minneapolis



5:30p.m. - 7:00p.m.

The pattern of our city is a result of millions of decisions made by planners, policymakers, investors, and individuals over the past 160 years. But not all decisions have had an equal impact. Much of who we are as a city is a result of the collective and damaging decisions that systematically excluded people from living in certain neighborhoods. Banks, homeowners, and developers that engaged in restrictive real estate covenants in the early 20th Century have left a legacy of segregation, inequity and disparities that remain with us today.

February’s Urban Currents will bring together the team that brought this issue to light in recent years through innovative research and storytelling techniques. Please join us!

201 Main Street SE
Suite 325
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55414
(Note: Enter the building at 212 2nd Street SE)

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"Remembering Rondo" Exhibit



September 8th

A new exhibit at the Weisman Art Museum explores the history of St. Paul’s Rondo Neighborhood through the artwork of two of its former residents.

“Melvin R. and Rose J. Smith were residents of St. Paul’s Rondo neighborhood for many years—Rose for most of her life and Melvin from 1963 to 1968. The Smiths’ artwork consists of urban scenes and portraits that present realist, expressionist, and at times allegorical takes on Black life in America. The works in this exhibition are drawn from their Rondo series—a sprawling body of work that stands as an elegiac anthem for that lost neighborhood and the enduring community that lives on in its wake.”

Weisman Art Museum
333 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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Jim Crow of the North: Documentary Screening & Discussion



6:00p.m. - 8:30p.m.

Join us at the Linden Hills Park Building for a screening and discussion of the TPT documentary, "Jim Crow of the North."

Why does Minnesota suffer some of the worst racial disparities in the nation?

One answer is the spread of racist, restrictive real estate covenants in the early 20th century. Jim Crow of the North is based on the work of the University of MN’s research project, Mapping Prejudice.

The panel will include Daniel Pierce Bergin, Jim Crow of the North Producer, and Kirsten Delegard, Mapping Prejudice Project Director. Community members are invited to join the discussion.

A traveling exhibit, "Displaced", will be on display prior to the screening, at 6:00p.m. and the documentary screening will begin at 6:30p.m.

Collaborators: Mapping Prejudice, University of MN; Twin Cities Public Television.
Sponsors: Friends of Linden Hills Library; Minnesota's Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Linden Hills Park Building
3100 W 43rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55410

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June 10th


July 11

“Displaced” is a new installation at the Linden Hills Library that will explore the story of how southwest Minneapolis became entirely white during the first decades of the twentieth century. The exhibit is co-curated by Mapping Prejudice team members Denise Pike and Marguerite Mills. Please join librarians, curators and community members as we confront this history together.

Linden Hills Library
2900 W 43rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55410

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Researching the History of Your Home



10:00a.m. - 11:30a.m.

Learn about the historical resources at the library and across the county that will help you piece together a history of your Hennepin County house, neighborhood, or property. Staff from Hennepin County Library's Special Collections will explain print and online resources—including permit records, maps, photos and more— and will set you on the path to jump-start your research. Researching the History of Your Home will include information about finding racially charged language in house records and discovering the former residents of one’s home.

Linden Hills Library
2900 W 43rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55410

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Join us for a work session on June 30th at the Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church.

Bring your laptop and ee'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

Nokomis Heights Lutheran Church
5300 10th Ave S
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417

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Mapping Prejudice Work Session



6:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is a team of activists and scholars who show how the contemporary geography of Minneapolis has been shaped by historic restrictions on property ownership. Using digital technology, they are assembling the first-ever map of racial covenants for an American city. Discover the hidden history of race in Minneapolis and learn how you can contribute to the research behind the Mapping Prejudice project.

Part presentation, part hands-on workshop, you may bring your laptop (or use ours) to learn how to read historic deeds and identify racial covenants for the online map.

Linden Hills Library
2900 W 43rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55410

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Mapping Prejudice: Transcribing the Truth



6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

"This research is showing what communities of color have known for decades. Structural barriers stopped many people who were not White from buying property and building wealth for most of the last century… Contemporary White residents of Minneapolis like to think their city never had formal segregation. But racial covenants did the work of Jim Crow in northern cities like Minneapolis." – Mapping Prejudice

Through extensive historical research and analysis, Mapping Prejudice has helped to unearth the shameful history of racial covenants and redlining in Minneapolis dating back more than 100 years.

And there is still much work to be done.

Bring your laptop and your friends out to Hennepin History Museum on Thursday, June 13th, as we continue the work of Mapping Prejudice by documenting the history of discriminatory deeds and furthering our work towards creating a more just Minneapolis.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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6:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.

“Displaced” is a new installation at the Linden Hills Library that will explore the story of how southwest Minneapolis became entirely white during the first decades of the twentieth century. The exhibit opens on June 11th and is co-curated by Mapping Prejudice team members Denise Pike and Marguerite Mills. Please join librarians, curators and community members as we confront this history together.

Linden Hills Library
2900 W 43rd St
Minneapolis, MN 55410

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Mapping Prejudice: Transcribing the Truth



6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

"This research is showing what communities of color have known for decades. Structural barriers stopped many people who were not White from buying property and building wealth for most of the last century… Contemporary White residents of Minneapolis like to think their city never had formal segregation. But racial covenants did the work of Jim Crow in northern cities like Minneapolis." – Mapping Prejudice

Through extensive historical research and analysis, Mapping Prejudice has helped to unearth the shameful history of racial covenants and redlining in Minneapolis dating back more than 100 years.

And there is still much work to be done.

Bring your laptop and your friends out to Knox Church on Tuesday, May 23rd, as we continue the work of Mapping Prejudice by documenting the history of discriminatory deeds and furthering our work towards creating a more just Minneapolis.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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Mapping Prejudice: Transcribing the Truth



7:00p.m. - 9:00p.m.

"This research is showing what communities of color have known for decades. Structural barriers stopped many people who were not White from buying property and building wealth for most of the last century… Contemporary White residents of Minneapolis like to think their city never had formal segregation. But racial covenants did the work of Jim Crow in northern cities like Minneapolis." – Mapping Prejudice

Through extensive historical research and analysis, Mapping Prejudice has helped to unearth the shameful history of racial covenants and redlining in Minneapolis dating back more than 100 years.

And there is still much work to be done.

After attening the "Jim Crow of the North" Film Screening at Elmer Andersen Library on Thursday May 9th.

Bring your laptop and your friends out to Knox Church on Tuesday, May 14th, as we continue the work of Mapping Prejudice by documenting the history of discriminatory deeds and furthering our work towards creating a more just Minneapolis.

If you can't make it to the film screening on the 9th, you can also watch the film here online.

The Table MPLS
4747 Lyndale Ave S
Minneapolis, 55419

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Encore ‘Jim Crow of the North’ Film Screening and Panel Discussion




The Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest (JHSUM) along with co-sponsors will hold a free film screening of Jim Crow of the North followed by a panel discussion on Thursday, May 9, 2019. Jim Crow of the North, a Twin Cities Public Television documentary film is based on the work of the Mapping Prejudice Project at the University of Minnesota. The film is about 60 minutes in length and will be followed by panel discussion and reception with refreshments.

Register here and follow the event on Facebook to see more information and updates.

Panelists include:
Daniel Pierce Bergin, producer Jim Crow of the North and Senior Producer and Partnership Manager of Twin Cities Public Television
Kirsten Delegard, Mapping Prejudice Project Director
Andre Dukes, Northside Achievement Zone
Steven Belton, Minneapolis Urban League
Iris Tzafrir, Jewish Community and Relations Council: Minnesota and the Dakotas Speakers Bureau
Kate Dietrick, Upper Midwest Jewish Archives
Ken Engel, Chair of Children of Holocaust Survivors Association in Minnesota
Norm Pink, Jewish Historical Society of the Upper Midwest

Elmer L. Andersen Library
222 21st Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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Presentation at Minnetonka United Methodist Church



12:00p.m. - 1:30p.m.

Join us on Sunday, May 5th for a presentation at Minnetonka United Methodist Church. Mapping Prejudice co-founder, Kirsten Delegard will be sharing the stage with Larry Duncan, who will provide an invaluable personal perspective and testimonial.

Minnetonka United Methodist Church
17611 Lake Street Ext
Minnetonka, Minnesota 55345

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“Owning Up” Exhibit Opening & Fundraiser at Sabathani Community Center



6:00p.m. - 8:30p.m.

The "Owning Up: Racism and Housing" Exhibit has moved! If you missed the exhibit at the Hennepin History Museum, its new home is in the Sabathani Community Center gallery space.

On May 2nd, The Sabathani Community is hosting an opening event for the exhibit in its new home and will also be raising funds for the center.

The Sabathani Community Center provides essential social services to the southside area of Minneapolis including a food shelf, clothing closet, job training, and tax preparation services. All proceeds from this event will go towards supporting Sabathani in providing resources for the community.

Make sure to get your tickets and join us for a fun night of entertainment, performances, and a silent auction. Check back here for more upcoming information!

Owning Up: Racism and Housing in Minneapolis explores the history of racial housing discrimination in Minneapolis through the stories of three black families. The exhibit demonstrates the lasting effects of structural discrimination and aims to counter the enduring idea of Minneapolis as a model metropolis.

Grab your tickets here and follow the event on Facebook to see more information and updates.

Sabathani Community Center
310 E 38th St
Minneapolis, MN 55409

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When Research Meets Policy: Public History, Planning, and Structural Racism in the City



4:00p.m. - 5:15p.m.

A presentation and discussion with Mapping Prejudice co-founder, Kirsten Delegard and Heather Worthington, Director of long-range planning for the city of Minneapolis.
This event brings together Mapping Prejudice’s work, bringing the history of racial covenants to the surface and into the conversation, with Minneapolis 2040, an ambitious plan to counter racial inequalities in housing.
Delegard and Worthington consider how their research and policy initiatives influence one another and how together they address structural racism in Minneapolis.

St. Olaf College

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Communiy Presenation and Volunteer Work Session



4:00p.m. - 5:30p.m.

Join Mapping Prejudice in partnership with Simpson Housing Services February 11th at The Wedge Table for a presentation and work session. Learn about the history of racial covenants and the research behind our project. Mapping Prejudice co-founders, Kirsten Delegard and Penny Petersen, will explain our work followed by an interactive volunteer session. Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Please bring your laptop for the group work session. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

The Wedge Table

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Jim Crow of the North - Advanced Screening



12:00p.m. - 2:00p.m.

Why does Minnesota have some of the worst racial disparities in the nation? To understand our contemporary inequities, we need to look to the history of racist, restrictive real estate covenants. A new documentary from Twin Cities PBS tells this story. Jim Crow of the North is based on the work of the Mapping Prejudice Project at the University of Minnesota. This cutting-edge research is documenting, mapping and presenting data on restrictive covenants in the largest metro area in the upper Midwest. The story charts the progression of racist policies and practices from the advent of covenants at the beginning of the twentieth century to the late 1960s. The Twin Cities never had Southern style segregation. But as this work shows, racial covenants were just one aspect of the Jim Crow system of the North.

Jim Crow of the North premieres on February 25th on tpt's Minnesota Experience.

Advanced screening on February 18th at Andersen Library on the University of Minnesota West Bank Campus.

120 Andersen Library, University of Minnesota
222 21st Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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[Exhibit] Owning Up: Racism and Housing in Minneapolis


January 20, 2019

Owning Up: Racism and Housing in Minneapolis explores the history racial housing discrimination in Minneapolis through the stories of three black families. The exhibit demonstrates the lasting effects of structural discrimination and aims to counter the enduring idea of Minneapolis as model metropolis. Read more here and here.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



2:00p.m. - 4:30p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on December 9th at the Hennepin History Museum. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on December 9th at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

Humphrey School of Public Affairs
301 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis MN 55455

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



2:30p.m. - 4:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on December 9th at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

Humphrey School of Public Affairsbr> 301 19th Avenue South
Minneapolis MN 55455

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



5:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on November 8th at the Hennepin History Museum. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



1:00p.m. - 3:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on October 11th, 18th & 25th at the Weisman Art Museum. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

The Weisman Art Museum
333 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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Volunteer Zooniverse Work Session



10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on October 11th, 18th & 25th at the Weisman Art Museum. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

The Weisman Art Museum
333 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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From Redlining to Predatory Lending: The Racial Wealth Gap



5:30p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Join us for a panel discussion and community conversation about the lifecycle of redlining, disinvestment, predatory lending, and gentrification and displacement — a damaging cycle that runs on racial prejudice and the unregulated flow of extractive capital out of and into communities — and the set of critical interventions from government, communities and businesses that are necessary at each stage of this destructive cycle. This event will lift up the need for community-owned, deeply rooted financial institutions, businesses and housing; for government protections and incentives to make sure that productive, non-extractive services, goods and housing are available to low and moderate income residents during times of disinvestment, and protections for those residents so they are able to remain, thrive and reap the benefits of the influx of capital; and the need for community based advocacy and organizing to hold businesses and investors accountable to make investments that benefit the existing community, rather than profiting from their anticipated and engineered displacement.

Minneapolis Urban League
2100 Plymouth Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55411

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West of Central: Post-Show Discussion with Mapping Prejudice



7:30p.m. - 9:30p.m.

West of Central is set in the Watts neighborhood of Low Angeles, in the aftermath of the urban unrest that roiled more than 150 American cities. The plot turns on the racist housing practices that created the highly segregated--and ultimately explosive--landscape of American cities in the 1960s. After the performance, Mapping Prejudice co-founder, Kirsten Delegard. will be on hand to talk about covenants, redlining and white violence created the racial disparities that we have today in Minneapolis. We look forward to talking with the audience about the connections between the past and the present. In dialogue, we are looking to explore how an awareness of history can help us build a more equitable future.

Find tickets here.

Pillsbury House Theatre
3501 Chicago Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55407

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Zooniverse Work Session



10:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Bring your laptop and join us for work sessions on October 11th, 18th & 25th at the Weisman Art Museum. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

The Weisman Art Museum
333 E River Pkwy
Minneapolis, MN 55455

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A UROC Critical Conversation: 'Mapping Prejudice: Racism, Rent, and Real Estate in Minneapolis'



5:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Join scholars and community members in a University of Minnesota Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center (UROC) Critical Conversation on the hidden history of racial covenants in Minneapolis. The discussion will center on new research showing what communities of color have known for decades—that structural barriers and legalized discrimination barred many people of color from buying property and building wealth for most of the last century.

Registration is full for this event. Watch the live-stream here at 6:00 PM 10/10/18.

UROC - University of Minnesota Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center
2001 Plymouth Ave N
Minneapolis, MN 55411

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Make History That Matters: Volunteer for Mapping Prejudice



5:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.

Volunteer session for Mapping Prejudice. Members of the map making team will teach volunteers how to read historic property deeds and find racial covenants.
Join us for a work session; bring your laptop and learn how you can contribute to building the Mapping Prejudice map of racial covenants in Hennepin County.
Free, but space is limited. Please reserve your place here.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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Fireside Chat: Mapping Prejudice: Making the Invisible Visible



6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

Hear Kirsten Delegard speak about the work of Mapping Prejudice and see the groundbreaking 'Owning Up' exhibit - both grappling with the history and continuing impact of housing discrimination in Hennepin County.

This is part of a multi-event series, Racism, Rent, and Real Estate: Fair Housing Reframed. You can find out about other events in that series here.

Purchase tickets here

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404

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[Exhibit] Owning Up: Racism and Housing in Minneapolis


23 (opening reception)

Exhibit runs August 16 - October 7

Owning Up: Racism and Housing in Minneapolis explores the history racial housing discrimination in Minneapolis through the stories of three black families. The exhibit demonstrates the lasting effects of structural discrimination and aims to counter the enduring idea of Minneapolis as model metropolis.

Hennepin History Museum
2303 3rd Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55404




4:30p.m. - 10:30p.m.

Kevin Ehrman-Solberg, the Geospatial Director for the Mapping Prejudice Project, will be one of the featured speakers at the 2018 TEDxMinneapolis event. He will be speaking about the complex legacies of racial covenants and how these historic practices shed new light on contemporary inequality.

The Cowles Center
528 Hennepin Ave
Minneapolis, MN 55403

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Zooniverse Work Session



5:00p.m. - 7:00p.m.

Mapping Prejudice is working to illuminate the invisible. And we need your help. We are relying on community volunteers to help us document the history of these discriminatory deeds. Join us for a work session on June 13th. We'll read covenants together and extract the data we need to put them on a map.

Seen the Future
2223 E. 35th St.
Minneapolis, MN 55407

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Housing Discrimination Revealed: History of Race & Real Estate in Minneapolis Bus Tour



4:30p.m. - 10:30p.m.

Hosted by Preserve Minneapolis, Central Area Neighborhood Development Organization, Mapping Prejudice

Many residents of Minneapolis believe that their city has never had any kind of formal segregation. This tour makes visible the structural racism that has undergirded the city’s urban landscape. It also illuminates the community solidarity that developed among African Americans in the face of this white hostility.

Pratt Elementary School
66 Malcolm Avenue Southeast
Minneapolis, MN 55414

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Reframing Fair Housing, Reclaiming Neighborhood History



6:00p.m. - 8:00p.m.

The way our neighborhoods look and feel today are a product of our shared history; one shaped by racist policies that barred households of color from homeownership and wealth accumulation for many years. In spite of these intentional barriers, like redlining and racial covenants, communities of color created and continue to build vibrant neighborhoods, rich with gathering places and family legacies that are often lost to the general public — and policy makers who make decisions that impact our lives everyday. Join us for the first gathering of the “Racism, Rent and Real Estate: Fair Housing Reframed” event series to learn more about the history and impetus of fair housing laws and share your knowledge about the history of your family and neighborhood.

Sabathani Community Center
310 E 38th St #200
Minneapolis, MN 55409

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